About The Artist:

Elliot Gaskin embarked on his artistic journey in 2009 when he founded a small jewelry business in the heart of San Francisco. His creative path began after he graduated with a degree in Fine Art Sculpture, a foundational experience that continues to influence his work to this day. As a third-generation artist, Elliot's roots run deep, enriched by a family history steeped in artistic expression.

With a solid foundation in small sculpture and wearable art, Elliot's design ethos is a blend of tradition and innovation. His passion lies in meticulously crafting fine jewelry by hand, infusing each piece with a unique narrative that often draws inspiration from mythology, the grandeur of European architecture, and the intricate details of steelwork. These diverse influences converge to create jewelry that not only adorns the body but also tells a captivating story.

One of Elliot's distinctive hallmarks is his ability to breathe new life into classic designs. His artistic alchemy thrives on the interplay between vintage aesthetics and contemporary flair, resulting in collections that are both timeless and inventive. Every piece is a testament to his keen sense of juxtaposition, a delicate balance that resonates with those who appreciate the intermingling of old-world charm and modern allure.

Beyond his artistic prowess, Elliot is steadfastly committed to ethical practices that resonate with the conscience of the modern world. His dedication to sustainability is evident in his choice to exclusively employ 100% recycled gold and ethically sourced diamonds and gemstones. By championing these responsible sourcing practices, Elliot not only crafts jewelry but also contributes to the global efforts aimed at minimizing the ecological footprint of the industry.

With an uncompromising commitment to craftsmanship, Elliot's creative process is a labor of love that spans from conceptualization to stone setting. Each piece of jewelry is meticulously designed and brought to life under his skillful hands. With over 16 years of dedicated experience in jewelry making, Elliot's expertise and attention to detail have become his hallmark, setting his creations apart as true works of art.

In a pivotal moment of his career, Elliot expanded his horizons in 2021 by inaugurating a private jewelry studio in the vibrant heart of New York City. This new chapter symbolizes his growth as an artist and serves as a testament to his enduring dedication to the craft of jewelry making. As he continues to evolve and push the boundaries of his artistry, Elliot Gaskin remains a name synonymous with passion, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to producing jewelry that transcends mere adornment, encapsulating stories, emotions, and a profound artistic legacy.